Saturday, August 9, 2008

God Bless You, Mama

Today is a very special day. Today marks the second anniversary of my mother being cancer free.

Mama was diagnosed with cancer in 2006, only 18 months after my father died of the disease. My sister and I were panic stricken. Mama, though, was calm and displayed a remarkable level of confidence that she would be alright. She was...and is.

I don't have the best relationship with my mother. Often our interactions are difficult and fraught with tension. Good days are that way usually because we both choose not to go beyond the superficial in our conversation. Still, I love my mother dearly and I'm so grateful that she is still here. Every day that she wakes up is another chance that we can make our relationship better. So I happily and thankfully celebrate this special day, and prayerfully look forward to many more.

God bless you, Mama. I love you.

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